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Signs Your Legal Software Needs Upgrading

Written by Marketing | 7/03/22 8:00 PM

Recognising the signs

Determining if your legal software is optimal can be a challenge, especially as your requirements change while growing your small firm.

Does what you have work, or does it need to be upgraded? Sometimes, improving your legal software can mean getting the next "version" of whatever software you're already using, or you might find you need to research a different platform entirely.

To determine what software options best serve your firm, you need to know signs indicating it's time for an upgrade. Even the best software becomes antiquated or outgrown. Accordingly, here we'll explore a few signs the legal software your firm is using may need to be replaced. Think about these things:

      • Your Software is Out of Date
      • Your Systems Can't Integrate Effectively
      • Your Software is Inflexible and Has No Mobile Option
      • Your Software Doesn’t Help You Digitise
      • When Your IT Staff is Always On "Speed Dial".

1. Your Software is Out of Date

Software has a short shelf life if it isn't optimised. The same is true of hardware. Servers and laptops tend to last between three and five years. That's not a "hard" number. There are Apple devices that still work fast and conveniently even given a 2012 manufacture date.

This is because some computers are designed such that upgrading software is something the hardware can manage.   And keep in mind that older software that is maintained regularly over time can work effectively on newer devices.

If your software has a lot of trouble interfacing with new technology or is starting to lag, it could be time to switch. As it lags, using it is going to become increasingly difficult and cause operational "static". Many firms don't upgrade owing to the perceived inconvenience of "relearning" new software. That's understandable, but you'll start losing money soon if you're not already. Take a look at metrics indicating profitability over time. If you're losing money where you weren't, software could be the issue, and upgrading could be the fix.

You might choose to adopt a cloud-based SaaS product like mattero, where updates occur on an ongoing basis and don't require any downtime for your business.

2. Systems Can't Integrate Effectively

Software integration can be difficult, but it's an essential part of a well-functioning technology stack. If your legal software struggles to integrate with the technology your firm uses every day, you might find yourself jumping between platforms or struggling with a disparate view of your business.

With mattero, you're empowered with one-touch integrations with your favourite cloud applications like Microsoft 365, Outlook, Xero and InfoTrack.

3. Software is Inflexible and Has No Mobile Option

Software without some sort of mobile accessibility is increasingly ineffective today. With the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating the work-from-anywhere movement, it's essential that your firm can run in a decentralised environment on multiple device types.

Today's "remote" workers were yesterday's Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) personnel. The cloud makes it possible for firms to access all their data remotely regardless of the device or operating system in question, provided access credentials are available. If your current software won't allow this, you should consider upgrading.

4. Software Doesn't Help You Digitise

Software should facilitate digitisation by reducing the need for physical data storage and paper documents. If your software hasn't achieved these two points, it could be time that you consider upgrading to a modern solution.

5. When Your IT Staff is Always On "Speed Dial"

If you find yourself regularly needing IT assistance, it could be a sign that your legal software is cumbersome or prone to glitches. As a small firm, your software should be easy to use and require minimal IT intervention.

Upgrading the Software of Your Legal Firm

IT issues, software that doesn't reduce physical storage needs, software without a mobile option, integration issues, and steady profit drain are all key signs you might want to explore alternative legal software platforms. If you're looking for a great practice management solution for small firms, you'll find it in mattero. Our features include:

      • Document Management
      • Briefs
      • Document Automation
      • Contact Management
      • Outlook Connectivity
      • Matter Management
      • Capture Time and Fixed Fees
      • Certified Trust Accounting
      • Billing Simplification
      • Mobile Integration Via SaaS
      • Task Management
      • Dashboards
  • To see how mattero can empower your small firm with simple and intuitive cloud-based legal software, start your own instant trial today.