It’s quick and easy to add documents to a matter. Drag and drop documents, emails and files into your matter or contact. Create new documents in mattero, merge data into your templates, and edit them in-app. Minimise errors and increase your productivity.
Stay organised and reduce administration with mattero's intuitive document management. Access all files for your matter in the one place, without tedious manual filing. mattero seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Office 365, supporting you to easily manage documents and emails.
mattero has one central place for every document, email, precedent, form and PDF related to your matter. Access your most recent documents quickly and easily. Dynamic search and filtering capabilities make finding what you need simple and intuitive. Preview documents in your matter with mattero’s preview pane, including large PDFs.
Use tags to intuitively sort, filter and classify your documents and files. Assign tags to emails and their attachments so they are pre-classified when saving to your matter. Configure default tags for practice areas, and create briefs automatically based on the tags you select.
Create multiple versions of the same document within a matter. Once created, a new version of a document can be edited to include new information, without losing the original document.
mattero's seamless integration with Microsoft Office 365 simplifies the creation of letters, precedents, court documents and more. Documents are stored in one central location and are easy to find, mark up, download and email without having to leave your matter.
You can convert a Word document to PDF in mattero and add passwords to restrict access to it.
You can create document templates for matters or contacts. Document templates can contain a variety of information fields, and merge data from your matter or contact accurately.
You can share documents via a secure link. When a secure link is created and shared, access to the document can also be set to expire on a set date or revoked at any time.