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Do you prepare briefs for court, disclosure or just have a need to bundle other types of documents together?

Then look no further than mattero's Briefs module. Briefs organise and prepare sets of documents quickly and easily.

Brief Templates

If you find you are building the same structure over and over again when preparing a brief mattero's Document Brief Templates take the hard work out of preparing sets of documents by pre-configuring the structure and sections for those most commonly used.

Working with Briefs

Briefs is now available from matter documents enabling the ability to bundle sets of documents together.

  • Create Briefs through Document Brief Templates or manually by selecting Document Tags
  • One matter can contain multiple briefs
  • Smart Document Tags will automatically assign documents to the correct section within the Brief
  • A single document can display within multiple sections of a Brief
  • It's simple to add, move or remove documents from sections or the brief
  • Bulk actions allow for mass editing of a Brief
  • Export briefs in a range of formats including PDF

Brief Portal

Preview and share briefs with Counsel or Clients through the Brief Portal.

  • Preview the Brief for a holistic view of the entire brief
  • Collapse and Expand sections
  • Easy download of individual documents, sections or the entire brief
  • Share Briefs or Document Bundles via a secure access link
Briefs 1
Briefs 2
Briefs 3

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